Recently, we decided to donate the proceeds from our 2019 Color Run event to the Parks and Recs Departments of the cities our clinics serve.
We took a trip down to the City of Mattawa and met with Juan Ledezma, the Parks and Recs Coordinator for Mattawa. Our CEO, Nieves Gomez, presented him with a check for $5,000 as a donation from CBHA for the City of Mattawa to use in a way that encourages childhood wellness. “We’re excited to give this to the cities that our clinics are involved in, and we can’t wait to see how they put them towards the community,” said Nieves.
The Parks and Recs Department will be using our donation to improve their Hund Memorial Park. “We plan to use this donation at our park by adding additional benches, an ADA compliant drinking fountain, repairing existing playground equipment and seal coating our basketball court. We also hope to plant some new trees around the park for additional shade,” says Ledezma.
Mattawa’s local library is located near Hund Memorial Park and Ledezma hopes to include this to their project. “We are fortunate to have our library building housed within our park and we plan to provide childhood wellness education material for children and adults, in Spanish and English,” says Ledezma. “We hope that this will encourage children to take a trip to the library, then go out to the park to partake in outdoor activities, and learn the importance of creating healthy habits.”
Ledezma hopes to bring in new visitors and provide them with additional places to sit while also enhancing the overall appearance of the park. Along with this, Ledezma hopes that the park’s new trees will bring in enough shade for members of the community to enjoy while they are with their kids. Ledezma plans to start this project this summer and hopes to be done by the fall of 2020.
“We are very thankful for this generous donation. We plan to continue working with community partners and enhancing our relationships,” says Ledezma. CBHA is appreciative of the opportunity to give back to the community. We hope to continue partnering with the Parks and Recs Department in Mattawa to create more opportunities that will benefit the community.
Our next color run will be August 29th, in Othello. There will be food vendors, giveaways, a photo booth and post-race events. This year’s registration fee is free! We already have 500 people, and counting, registered. For more info and to get registered, visit www.cbharunforacause.com. We hope to see you all there!